Monday 5 September 2016

Chapter 1: History of Educational Technology

During the ancient civilization there is already educational technology, when man started to used pointed sticks to in script signs and symbols on the leaves and knives for the bark of trees.
            On about 3100 B.C the Egyptians devised a system of picture writing called hieroglyphics. Its symbols represent a sound or a group of sounds. Through this development it’s a rise to the class known as scribe. The Spartan time education emphasized the development of the physical body coupled with a discipline, the boys underwent for an exercises and activities that promoted bodily strength.
           During on Medieval Era the aim of their education was search for the knowledge and the application of scientific facts to their daily lives. They also originated the scientific method of teaching. When the renaissance period came the development of educational technology emphasized with theories and practices, during this time John Locke came out his idea about the nature of the child mind at birth in TABULA RASA.
Johann Amos Comenius recognized for first picture book known as Orbit Pictus and so with Maria Montessori contributed her own ideas about teaching with the use of multi-sensory materials in teaching.
           On education during the age of naturalism this encouraged the writing of songs and discovery of games suited for the grades. Froebel who was known as the father of kindergarten emphasized the use of actual objects in which could be manipulated by the learners. He recommended the use of play and songs.
           On contemporary times the educational technology has in all aspects of education organization and management most of schools have already adopted the computerization of records and so with the different kinds of mass communication materials like television, gadgets, i pads and so on and so forth.

Graphic Organizer


   “Educational technology is the use of technology to improve education. It is a systematic, iterative process for designing instruction or training used to improve performance.”” Educational technology is sometimes also known as instructional technology or learning technology.” Therefore I understand that educational technology is such very important to us it help us to make our work quick and easy. And it helps the teacher to have a fastest transmission of knowledge to their students. But the teacher not only relies on using technology at the same time she or he must have or use a methods, skills and participative ways in teaching and learning for it to become interesting. And I’ve learned that the Educational Technology gradually developed started from the Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Naturalism and Contemporary. And today, most of us use technology in our education and in our daily lives.

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