Tuesday, 27 September 2016




                Teaching with dramatized experience is one way of entertaining while learning, it involves a role play of life, character or culture or the combination of three with the use of puppet, role playing, pageant and etc.

                As a future educator, this is an additional way to lead us in a successful teaching-learning process. We can catch the students attentions and there will be a participation of students for example in role playing, they can act, express their ideas, feelings and emotions. Students cant only learn the topic but they can also develop their talents.




                Contrived Experience is the second band of experiences in Dales Cone of Experience. It is used in the absence of direct experiences as materials for instruction. It is one way of representing things that are not available inside a classroom. Ive learned that if the teacher cannot provide the real thing he/ she use other alternatives like models, mock ups, specimens and objects. This will be a big help for the students to learn what and  how must they learn about the specific topic even without the real example and they will not be ignorant a certain thing because theyve seen and experienced it with the help of the teachers strategic way of teaching and with their contrived experiences.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Chapter 7 : Direct, Purposeful Experiences and Beyond

These are concrete and firsthand experiences that make up the foundation of our learning. These are the rich experiences that our senses bring from which we construct the ideas, the concepts, the generalizations that give meaning and order to our lives. (Dale,1969).

*      making a piece of furniture
*      doing power point presentation
*      performing laboratory
*      experiment
*      delivering a speech
*      taking a trip
*       preparing meals

- are experiences of other people that we observed, read or hear about. They are not firsthand but rather vicarious experiences.

Why are these direct experiences described to be purposeful?
- Purposeful because the experiences are not purely mechanical.
- They are also described as purposeful because these experiences are undergone in relation to a purpose, i.e. learning.

- these direct experiences must not be the period or the end. We must be brought to a higher plane. The higher plane referred to here is the level of generalization and abstraction.


1. Let us give our students opportunities to learn by doing.
2. Let us make use of real things as instructional materials for as long as we can.
3. Let us help the students develop the five senses to the full to the heighten their sensitivity to the world.
4. Let us guide our students so that they can draw meaning from their firsthand experiences and elevate their level thinking.


      Based on my understanding, Direct Purposeful Experiences are first hand experiences that serve as the foundation of learning and can develop higher thinking skills through seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.
   In teaching- learning process we should give our students opportunities in learning by doing and as a teacher; we should help them to develop their senses to heighten their sensitivity to the world.
   This way of teaching is known to be the most effective way of teaching the students because people say, Experiences are the best teacher

  Chapter 6:  Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials

     The use of instructional material can be effective if it is properly selected depending on the topic and if it is properly used. It should be appropriate and satisfactory for the ultimate goal of facilitating learning. There are guidelines to be followed and the first is the selection of instructional materials. These are factors to be considered as standards for the selection of instructional materials: the materials should present the precise and true ideas of the topic or subject being discussed the materials should add meaning to the content of the topic and these should help you achieve you  instructional objectives the materials should be appropriate to the age, intelligence, and experiences of the students the materials should be satisfactory the materials should have a teacher's guide for effective use the materials should develop the student's higher critical thinking skills the materials should be accessible and affordable for the students The second guideline is the usage of instructional materials .After you have properly selected the material, you should as well effectively utilize it.
According to Thomas Nagel, to ensure effective utilization of the instructional material, he advised us to abide by the acronym PPPF.

*       Prepare yourself. It simply means that you should know your lesson objective and your expectation from the class after the session. There should be a planning ahead on how you're going to precede the discussion and evaluate after.

*       Prepare your students. It implies setting class expectation and learning goals. This comes by throwing them guide questions and motivating them as a way of keeping them interested and engaged.

*       Present the material. It means you should rehearse first the materials you are going to use before presenting them to the class. This is important especially if the materials you are using are mechanical in nature, for example, power points and other multimedia presentations. This is to avoid what they call as R.O.G. Syndrome of Running out of Gas. This syndrome usually occurs due to lack of planning.

*       Follow Up . The main function of using instructional material is to achieve an objective and that is ultimately the learning of the students. Using this is not an end in itself but a means to an end so there is a need for follow up to know if you have attained your objective.

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        As a future educator, the topic entitled "Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials" is very useful and helpful, it gives us knowledge in the different ways on how to select and use the different instructional materials that is use to attain the instructional objectives and it help the teacher for the improvement and effectively in teaching- learning process. Using the instructional materials are good and effective but it is achievable or attainable if the teacher has enough knowledge in using it or let just say, it depends on the expertise of the teacher. Let's not forget the proper usage of materials the PPPF stands for P-Prepare Yourself, P- Prepare your students, P-present the materials, F- Follow up.
But the teacher should not always depend on the IM's, the teacher himself or she is enough to have an effective learning- teaching process. Remember, the best instructional Material.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Chapter 5: Dale’s Cone of Experience

        Dale’s Cone of Experience is a visual model that is composed of eleven (11) stages starting from concrete experiences at the bottom of the cone then it becomes more and more abstract as it reach the peak of the cone. Also, according to Dale, the arrangement in the cone is not based on its difficulty but rather based on abstraction and on the number of senses involved. The experiences in each stages can be mixed and are interrelated that fosters more meaningful learning.

      Direct Purposeful Experiences- These is first hand experiences which serve as the foundation of learning. In this level, more senses are used in order to build up the knowledge. Also, in this level, the learner learned by doing things by him/herself. Learning happens through actual hands-on experiences. This level explains and proves one of the principles in the selection and use of teaching strategies, the more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better the learning will be. This level also proves that educational technology is not limited to the modern gadgets and software that are commercially available nowadays. This shows that even the simple opportunity that you give to each child could help them learn.

        The next level would be the Contrived Experiences. In this level, representative models and mock-ups of reality are being used in order to provide an experience that as close as reality.  This level is very practical and it makes learning experience more accessible to the learner. In this stage, it provides more concrete experiences, even if not as concrete as direct experiences, that allows visualization that fosters better understanding of the concept.
           On the other hand, the next level would be the Dramatized experiences. In this level, learners can participate in a reconstructed experiences that could give them better understanding of the event or of a concept. Through dramatized experiences, learners become more familiar with the concept as they emerge themselves to the “as-if” situation.
The next level would be the Demonstrations. It is a visualize explanation of important fact, idea, or process through the use of pictures, drawings, film and other types of media in order to facilitate clear and effective learning. In this level, things are shown based on how they are done.
Another level would be the Study Trips. This level extends the learning experience through excursions and visits on the different places that are not available inside the classroom. Through this level, the learning experience will not be limited to the classroom setting but rather extended in a more complex environment.
         The level of study trips is followed by exhibits. It is a somewhat a combination of some of the first levels in the cone. Actually, exhibits are combination of several mock ups and models. Most of the time, exhibits are experiences that is “for your eyes” only but some exhibits includes sensory experiences which could be related to direct purposeful experiences. In this level, meanings ideas are presented to the learners in  a more abstract manner. This experience allows student to see the meaning and relevance of things based on the different pictures and representations presented.
        The next levels would be the level of television and motion pictures and still pictures, recordings, and Radio. It implies values and messages through television and films. On the other hand, still pictures, recordings and radio are visual and auditory devices that can be used by a learner/group of learner that could enhance and extend learning experience
          The last two levels would be the Visual symbolic and Verbal symbolic. These two levels are the most complex and abstract among all the components of the Cone of Experience. In the visual symbolic level, charts, maps, graphs, and diagrams are used for abstract representations. On the other hand, the verbal symbolic level does not involve visual representation or clues to their meanings. Mostly, the things involved in this level are words, ideas, principles, formula, and the likes.

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     After going through the different components of Cone of Experiences, it gives me an overview what are the things to know the ability and aptitude.

 As a future educator, this can be help of determining what are the strategy to do and also in facilitating learning it gives me an idea that I can use variety of materials and medium in order to maximize the learning experiences and activities of the students. I'm not be worried in using more than one medium because there's nothing wrong for as long as it could be beneficial to the learners/students that we can provide them an effective and meaningful learning.

Chapter 4:  Systematic Approach to Teaching

            The systematic approach to teaching provides a method for the functional organization and development of instruction. This method applies to preparation of materials for classroom use, as well as for print and non-print media. Inputs to the systems approach include well defined objectives, analysis of the intended audience, special criteria desired by the customer, analysis and use of existing resources, and a team of instructional system specialists, subject matter experts, writers, and visual specialists. Outputs are functional relations trees; functional block diagrams, a teaching sequence chart, and frames (a combination of words and visuals on a specific topic from the teaching sequence chart). The three step production flow consists of content requirements, content development, and use. Material is divided into levels of detail, so that the student studies only until he has reached the level he needs. At each level of detail, the material is treated as a whole, then in its parts, and finally recombined into a functional whole. Visuals illustrating the concepts are included. The system approach views the entire educational program as a system of interrelated parts. It is an orchestrated learning pattern with all parts harmoniously integrated in to the whole: the school, the teacher, the students, the objectives, the media, the materials, and assessment tools and procedures. Such an approach integrates the older, more familiar methods and tools of instruction with the new ones such as the computer.

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           Instruction should begin with objectives considering the student’s need, interest and readiness because the main focus is the students.
          The teacher must select appropriate teaching methods to be used and also consider and select appropriate learning experiences or activities, appropriate material, equipment and facilities. The effective use of learning resources is dependent on the expertise of the teacher, like the involvement of the students to teaching-learning process if they really motivate, responsive and they can generalize things they’ve learned.
           After instruction, teacher evaluates the outcome of instruction. From the evaluation results, teacher comes to know if the instructional objective was attained. If the Instructional objective was attained the teacher proceed to the next lesson. If instructional objective was not attained, then teacher diagnoses what was learned in order to introduce a remedial measure to improved student performance and attainment of instructional objective.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Chapter 3: Roles of Educational Technology in Learning

        Technology can play a traditional role, i.e. as delivery vehicles for instructional lessons or in a constructivist way as partners in the learning process. In  a constructivist way, technology helps the learner build more personal interpretations of life in her/his world. Technology is a learning tool to learn with not from. It makes the learner gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning with what technology presents.

Technology as tools to support knowledge construction
  • ·         For presenting learners’ ideas, understandings and beliefs
  • ·         For producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases for learners

 Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing:
  • ·         For accessing needed information
  • ·         For comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views

Technology as context to support learning by doing
  • ·   For representing and simulating meaningful real-world problems, situations and contexts
  • ·         For representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments, and stories of others
  • ·             For defining safe, controllable problem space for student thinking

Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing
  • ·         For collaborating with others
  • ·         For discussing, arguing, and building consensus among members of the community
  • ·         For supporting discourse among knowledge building communities

Technology as intellectual partner
  • ·         For helping learners to articulate and represent what they know
  • ·         For reflecting on what they have learned and how they come to know it
  • ·         For supporting learners’ internal negotiations and meaning making

·                                   For constructing personal representations of meaning for supporting mindful thinking

Whether used from the traditional or constructivist point of view, when used effectively, research indicates that technology not only  “increases students’ learning, understanding, and achievement but also augments, motivation to learn, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills” (Shacter and Fagnano, 1999)

        Educational technology plays various roles. Form the traditional point of view, it serves as presenter of knowledge just like teachers. It also serves as productivity tool. With the internet, technology has facilitated communication among people. From the constructivist’s perspective, educational technology is a meaningful learning tools by serving as a learning partner. As technology presents nowadays, students and teachers can gather, think, analyze, synthesize information, construct meaning and there will be a fastest process of teaching-learning. Technology in the field of education can be a powerful tool.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Chapter 2: Technology; Boon or Bane?

“Technology means the systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical task.”
        Our modern day today has been exposed to technology thus it is becoming a huge part of our daily life activities. Technology has variety of scope hence focuses more too teaching and learning process. Using technology as supplementary teaching device in the instruction is a priority in most schools today. When teachers started to use computers in the classroom, schools evaluate whether the use of educational technology had a significant and consistent impact on the part of the student.
        Majority of the students’ feedback are about the blessings or advantages that technology can bring to everyone. But still, to have a balance in nature, there will always be a negative to complement the positive. Technology can also be a curse or a boon to everyone. Several devices have been introduced like laptops and tablets. Each of them has their own versions with even more advanced apps. Such devices help us finish loads of work with ease, but using such devices even in fields of education might affect the habits of students.
        Schools have started introducing the idea of using tablets for taking down notes, writing simple tests and completing their projects. This gets the mind of a student completely in technology and they tend to forget the use of books. Earlier students did not have the idea of using internet to browse information about different topics and were dependent completely on books which resulted in a very good vocabulary, but students these days do not have much of a good vocabulary.
          They start to expect everything just by a touch on the screen. The students finish their work just for the sake of it and actually don't show any interest in it. Technology is good enough provided it is used in the right field and in the right age.

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       Technology these days has advanced our lifestyle. Things have become so easy. It is being used everywhere and in everything. It has many advantages when it’s used for the development of the class, but also, it has a disadvantage when it isn’t used in this, because it distracts us and impede us learning. But I think that there are more on the positive side because it is very important and useful for all class of people, it is portable and with many applications that serve as help to the persons.        
Technology is boon and bane but it’s depends in every individual if how they use it, if they choose to be harmed or to make things easier e.g. in education.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Chapter 1: History of Educational Technology

During the ancient civilization there is already educational technology, when man started to used pointed sticks to in script signs and symbols on the leaves and knives for the bark of trees.
            On about 3100 B.C the Egyptians devised a system of picture writing called hieroglyphics. Its symbols represent a sound or a group of sounds. Through this development it’s a rise to the class known as scribe. The Spartan time education emphasized the development of the physical body coupled with a discipline, the boys underwent for an exercises and activities that promoted bodily strength.
           During on Medieval Era the aim of their education was search for the knowledge and the application of scientific facts to their daily lives. They also originated the scientific method of teaching. When the renaissance period came the development of educational technology emphasized with theories and practices, during this time John Locke came out his idea about the nature of the child mind at birth in TABULA RASA.
Johann Amos Comenius recognized for first picture book known as Orbit Pictus and so with Maria Montessori contributed her own ideas about teaching with the use of multi-sensory materials in teaching.
           On education during the age of naturalism this encouraged the writing of songs and discovery of games suited for the grades. Froebel who was known as the father of kindergarten emphasized the use of actual objects in which could be manipulated by the learners. He recommended the use of play and songs.
           On contemporary times the educational technology has in all aspects of education organization and management most of schools have already adopted the computerization of records and so with the different kinds of mass communication materials like television, gadgets, i pads and so on and so forth.

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   “Educational technology is the use of technology to improve education. It is a systematic, iterative process for designing instruction or training used to improve performance.”” Educational technology is sometimes also known as instructional technology or learning technology.” Therefore I understand that educational technology is such very important to us it help us to make our work quick and easy. And it helps the teacher to have a fastest transmission of knowledge to their students. But the teacher not only relies on using technology at the same time she or he must have or use a methods, skills and participative ways in teaching and learning for it to become interesting. And I’ve learned that the Educational Technology gradually developed started from the Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Naturalism and Contemporary. And today, most of us use technology in our education and in our daily lives.