Sunday 14 May 2017

Chapter 8: Higher Thinking Skills through IT- Based Project



        The four types of IT- based project can effectively be used in order to engage students to activities of a higher plane of thinking. Students must be guided by the teachers in order for them to have a good output. They can find their own facts and information, produce creative presentations and they will become more computer literate.

Chapter 10: Computer as a Tutor



        Computer can be a tutor in effect relieving to teach of many activities in his/her personal role as a class tutor. But computer cannot replace the teacher in a classroom. CAI can do some tasks but doesn’t mean teachers are not needed yet they are still the one who has a major role in teaching-learning process. Computer is just a tool in learning and only assistant for students or its just a tutor but there’s no such things as teacher.

Chapter 11: The Computer as Teacher’s Tool



  Computer can be great tool for the needs of teachers, future teacher and specially the learners. For teachers it helps to improve their instructional materials and facilitate their instructional methods in teaching. For learners, using this tool everyone can construct new ideas and knowledge and can contribute in their thinking skills and learning experiences

Chapter 13: Cooperative learning with the Computer



Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students to work together in a common learning task. By the teacher’s creativity in giving tasks to students and with the help of computer, students can cooperate and socialize with other members of a group. They can share they ideas (brainstorming) until they reach their common goal. 

Monday 6 March 2017


Chapter 1:  Review of Educational Technology 1


 It is good to review or recall the previous subject or the topic “Educational Technology” in order for students to apply it in Ed. Tech 2 that serves as a continuation that helps individual to become more appreciative, equip and given more opportunities to experience in engaging with technology used. And also can extend their knowledge and skills.

Chapter 2: An overview: Educational Technology



Educational Technology provides deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands-on application of the computer skills. We can develop, extend our skills, knowledge with the integration of technology in teaching and learning process. This also provides individual with more experiences in new things on how to manipulate computers. 

Chapter 3: Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region



          This lesson provide us knowledge about the Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region as how they progress by the infused of technology in schools. Knowing the progression of other countries, we, here in the Philippines help us in realizing and motivating ourselves with what the other countries have. And we can gain ideas and can adopt their ways in line with I.T that helps us to be more competitive and can meet success in teaching- learning process.

Chapter 4: Basic concepts are integrating technology in instruction


          The quality of instruction is improved to a higher level such a way that could not have been achieved without Educational Technology. The concepts being stated in this lesson could help us future educators for its application in the field. We can say there is no integrative process if we, teachers let our students play computer games instead of spending the time for activities that connects to the lesson with the infused of technology. Teachers and students must use technology appropriately that students must not be abusive that they will be glued only with computer games rather than extending their knowledge and skills.

Chapter 5: State of the Art ET Application Practices



          Educators today have become more creative, active and aware in adopting modern technology for the teaching-learning process. We are really engaged with technology that helps individual to be computer literate rather than before that most of the teachers only used chalkboard as an instructional material for his/ her discussion. The process of imparting knowledge is interesting because of the State of The Art.

Chapter 6: Enters a new learning environment



Better ways to learn other than rote learning or memorization.  Learning is for use not only in school but in real life. Learning is to help the individual live to his personal world. We can say that our learning is meaningful if our prior knowledge is relevant to new learning. And learners must discover more not only in the classroom but everywhere and anytime. They must learn in their own  and expose in applying technology. 

Thursday 8 December 2016

Chapter 15: Project-Based Learning and Multimedia

Graphic Organizer:


Through the method of this Project based multimedia learning, students can acquire new knowledge, develop their thinking skills and they can develop their skills using multimedia.

As a teacher, let us not expose the students only in academic but let them actively perform of any form of activity by using multimedia. And if we have this actual activity or let the students perform, we, the teachers must not only stand in the front but we should observe and guide them in order for them to have a successful output and the same time they can enrich knowledge and skills.

Chapter 14: 

Maximizing the use of the overhead projector and the chalkboard

Graphic Organizer:


The chalkboard is always available in every classroom and it is very useful and easily for the teachers to deliver the subject by writing and impart their knowledge to the students. And for the students, it is easier for them to understand the topic on black board as they see the method or procedure for some processes and for those who sit at the back, writing on board helps them to see better if the teachers voice is not clear in some words or sentences.

As a future educator, we must also have and apply modern way of how to impart knowledge to students by using technology or multimedia like OHP or Overhead Projector. This is also one way to make the teaching-learning process successful and help the students in acquiring new knowledge.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

CHAPTER 13: Teaching with Visual Symbols

Graphic Organizer:


Visual symbols come in many forms, drawing, cartoons, strip drawing or comic strip, diagram, map, chart and graph. They may be used in different ways and phases of the lesson depending on the teacher’s purpose.
 Like the cartoons, teacher can use this for motivation. This can be an opening of the lesson wherein the students can create and share various ideas where as a picture, cartoon and other visual symbols it paint a thousand words. Through this the teaching-learning process will find interactive and fun.
As teachers, we are required for preparations and more learning if we use these visual symbols in our lesson. We must be skillful and creative for it to be meaningful and your teaching will be successful. 

Chapter 12: The power of film, video and TV in the classroom

Graphic Organizer:


The film, video and TV are powerful instructional tools. But the effect of these are depends on how it is being used. The teaching- learning process will be much more enjoyable and lively when these tools are appropriately and moderately use.  However, when we misuse and abuse this there will be possible damaging effects with the students’ development like their thinking power, behavior and imagination. It can also be harmful to students if they are not being guided with the teacher because they can imitate (especially violence) on what they have seen.

As a future teacher, this gave me an additional knowledge to have a successful teaching- learning process with the use of film, video and TV but it must be appropriately used. And with an analogy like “If Muhammad cannot go to the mountain bring the mountain to Muhammad.” This enlightened me that if we, the teachers know that it is impossible for the students to explore things e.g. in going to the mountain for their young age we must provide and use television or conduct a film viewing related to the topic. These could be a help for students to nurture curiosity and not so hard for the teacher to show what really on the mountain, the beauty and the ideas it brings.

Chapter 11: Making the most of community Resources and Field trips

Graphic Organizer:


“Field Trips abolish the walls that divide the classroom and the outside world.  It also connects people. The students, teachers, parents, school head are the people involved in the field trip, they come together for joint planning.” 
Field Trips help children to expose on different aspects of the things around them. Taking field trips provide individual a better understanding of different places, things, people, ideas and many more. But this have also disadvantage for a reasons that it will be costly and it require time for preparation and planning.

As a teacher, to have successful trips we must plan first and prepare. Discuss and decide on what to do before, during and after the field trip. This activity will be educational, fun and can nurture one’s curiosity.